You’ve made a great choice by participating in the Givers Summit

Welcome to my download page for the “Givers Summit!” Thank you for watching my presentation.

I love helping diabetics potentially reverse their diagnosis, plus I have a special place in my heart for their care partners.

Often, they struggle to figure out how to feed a family that helps the diabetic and provide encouragement and accountability in a welcome way. Be sure to take advantage of my book and coaching calls.

My book will give you valuable truth about myths, excuses, and how to overcome the sabotage that we have all been trained to accept.

You don’t have to settle for frustrating side effects and taking medications that will only hasten those side effects!

Take Action To Get the Benefits of Restored Health and Better Lifestyle.

His Job Was At Stake
Jack is a hazardous materials truck driver who had to reduce his diabetes numbers in one-week to keep his job. He called me for help to make this happen. I gave him an emergency eating list with instructions to make the most progress. A week later he called to say “We did it! I passed.” His blood sugar dropped from 220 to 108. His A1C dropped from 10.9 to 9.0. His one-week progress was enough for his employer to keep him on. 

Jack Munson, commercial driver

Bonus! You will be entered to win 2 Free 30-minute coaching calls.


 Drawing will be held at the end of the Givers Summit (approx. mid-January.) This $100 value is for 6 people! You will be notified by email to schedule your coaching call times. 

You can ask me anything. You can learn about the tools I use to jump-start a better lifestyle. We all want to be seen, heard, and understood at home and at work.

Find out why you respond/react as you do. Understand why family members respond so differently. The communication tool I use is a fun way for individuals and couples to restore, strengthen, and build on their relationships.

Get a greater understanding of yourself and leverage your unique strengths. 

Help for my Family
Back home in Mexico my family always talks about diabetes and what’s going to happen to their health, but no one ever said what to do to prevent it, or how to help someone with diabetes. I don’t have diabetes, but I have relatives and friends with diabetes. This information will help me gain insight into their challenges and bring them solutions. I recommend this book! 

Anayeli Benitez, Wife, mom, marathon runner

Learning to Improve Health
Coming from a long line of type 2 diabetics, myself included, the possibility of improving instead of steadily progressing with more and more meds is certainly something that many of us would be happy to know more about. 

Carol Bremner, Type 2 Diabetic, Internet trainer and consultant

Good book to refer to friends
While I don’t have diabetes, I keep hearing of others who do. I thought it would be good to have a book to refer folks to — which I did immediately upon finishing reading it. I suggested my library get a copy, which they did. 

Cynthia Ann Leighton, Owner, Software Enterprise Limited