Q: “What’s the single biggest obstacle I’ll face when trying to overcome diabetes and regain my health?”
A: Your biggest obstacle – after realizing what diabetes means and how it will affect your body and future – will be the mindset you choose. You’ll need to embrace some lifestyle changes to minimize your risks and regain your health.
Some people easily embrace change, but many others resist just about anything that sounds like change. They are comfortable in their habits, and making changes to what and how they eat seems uncomfortable and causes resistance.
It’s important to evaluate both sides – make the changes needed to regain health, or stay the same and live with the consequences. It can be hard to wrap your head around what changes need to be made.
Only you can decide how you’ll take control of your health and future. Find out what foods are safe, which ones don’t serve your well-being. A quick read basic guide is Diabetes Diet Options: What to Eat, When to Eat and How to Regain Your Health. Become familiar with foods you can still enjoy, and which ones might not be your best choices.
My next post will list some steps to take to regain your health.