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Blind Spots

Blind Spots

I couldn’t see my black cat in the dark…

She was meowing in the middle of the night. She woke me – again. I stumbled into the hallway toward the furtive cries.

I stood there trying to distinguish her in the dark, made more difficult against the hardwood floors and closed drapes. I spotted her on the sofa next to a favorite toy, waiting for me to find and praise her for her hunting prowess. She then followed me back to bed, purring loudly, her mission accomplished.

I compared this to not seeing my own blind spots. Stumbling through my mind like looking for my cat in the dark.

This time I’m the hunter seeking out my blind spots. I want the praise for finding it, but am I willing to let each one go when I do find them? Is it so dark that I can’t even see them against the darkness in that corner of my mind?

Well, it is a blind spot after all.

How about you? Do you ever take the time to discover a blind spot?

Distractions – A Confession

Distractions – A Confession

Do distractions hold you back?

Distractions sneak in from the enemy of your purpose and progress.

As a social people person, I often welcome them. Some creep in, but sometimes they show up, shouting and throwing open the door to grab my attention! They vary from a welcome call from a friend to cute Youtube videos or discovering your refrigerator stopped cooling or your identity has been compromised. Some must be dealt with, but right now? Well, there’s the rub, isn’t it? Then you wonder at days end what you accomplished (or didn’t) for the day. You were so busy all day long, but… We all have those days.

Recently I had the opportunity to slow down and “consider my ways.” I’m the one who rarely gets sick, or plugs along even when I know I’m being ineffective. A nap? I don’t know how!

But recently I spent a couple of days in bed, finally went to my doctor and back to bed. I remembered that “He makes me lie down in green pastures” includes me today. I reflected on distractions, Godly purpose, and made commitments for better time use now that I’m back on track.

Instead of a week lost, it was a much-needed reassessment time.

Do you find yourself more distracted during this Covid time? How do you deal with it?

Clear Vision in 2020

Clear Vision in 2020

Do you have a goal for 2020? A clear vision?
First, start with a decision that you really want to accomplish this goal in 2020.
Next, make a commitment to do whatever it takes.
There will be setbacks – decide to be okay with that but get back on track right away.
Don’t use a setback as an excuse to quit. You’ll be so glad you kept going.
You can do it!