by Marian Hays | Self-growth
Do you look forward to Monday morning? Or are you hoping and dreaming that it will always be Friday?
Some workers are simply TGIF workers, which stands for Thank God It’s Friday. TGIF workers can’t wait for their 8 hour days and the whole week to finish. If you’d classify yourself as a TGIF worker, then you’re probably missing something important in your career life – passion.
by Marian Hays | Self-growth
Have you heard about the woman who decided to change her husband? He changed. Now she claims “He’s not the man I married!”
The person who intends to do the changing, too often the wife, might think she means well, working on areas that might really need some improvement. But what’s the motivation to change someone else? To be happier? To make life easier? Isn’t that what we all secretly want? Or is it just to get one’s own way?
by Marian Hays | Self-growth
My eight year granddaughter recently told me that some parents “do bad things” to their kids, and that’s why they don’t’ live with them. It was a great teaching moment. I saw an opportunity to share the importance of learning to control their little tempers.
by Marian Hays | Self-growth
Fortunately there’s an increase in parenting conferences and classes to help the otherwise untrained parents learn to lead, guide and cope with the surprisingly different little people that live in their house. However, there’s still not a Defensive Parenting 101 that gives you a discount on your insurance when you complete the course.
by Marian Hays | Self-growth
Assess, Address and Progress Your Project Capacity
According to the dictionary, capacity is the ability or power to do, experience or understand something. It plays a silent, often overlooked, part in the success of your dreams and goals.
by Marian Hays | Self-growth
I work with individuals and couples so they better understand their strengths and how to maximize them for personal and business success. I’m putting together a program to reach as many people as possible, and I’ll be posting information regularly.