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Teaching Moment

Teaching Moment

My eight year granddaughter recently told me that some parents “do bad things” to their kids, and that’s why they don’t’ live with them. It was a great teaching moment. I saw an opportunity to share the importance of learning to control their little tempers.


Defensive Parenting 101 – On the Job Training

Defensive Parenting 101 – On the Job Training

Fortunately there’s an increase in parenting conferences and classes to help the otherwise untrained parents learn to lead, guide and cope with the surprisingly different little people that live in their house. However, there’s still not a Defensive Parenting 101 that gives you a discount on your insurance when you complete the course.


Predictable Traits To Improve Your Life

Predictable Traits To Improve Your Life

Extensive research and actual case studies about Life Languages™ reveal seven distinct communication styles that we all possess.  But of course we don’t possess all seven equally.  We’re as unique as our fingerprint or a snowflake.  An infinite God can create infinite options for us.  And He does.
